Email Member Login Username and Password

1. Check the Login Template - you can make permanent changes to the login template in Templates. Go to Home - Templates. Select the Login Template, edit this template then save. Changes might include changing the link to the login page to reference your member login page eg.

NOTE: Leave the [username] and [password] bookmarks, the bulk email function will fill in the members username and password into these boxes.

2. Go to members - Bulk Emails

3. Select the Login Template from the list on the top RHS of the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: before sending this bulk email to all of you members, TEST by sending it to yourself first. (tick your name only)

3. Select All members by pressing the Select All button (or un-select those that don't require a login) by ticking the checkbox next to the members name.

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and CHECK the email to see if it is worded correctly

4. Press the SEND button to send the bulk email.