====== Sending a Bulk Email ====== ===== Prepare Email ===== Go to **Home - Templates** Select the template to edit (e.g. vol) and Edit Template ===== Sending Email ===== Go to **Members - Bulk Emails** {{:bulk_email:menu.jpg?400|}} **Select** Template from RHS of Page e.g. vol **Select** the filter e.g. Volunteer Press **Select All** button to select all the members to email to {{:bulk_email:bulk.jpg?600|}} then scroll down, check the **email message** and **subject** and press the **send button** at the bottom of the page. It is always a good idea to do a single select to yourself to check the email is formatted ok, then go live with the email. **User defined fields for Bulk emails** [username] [pwd] [password] [firstname] [subdomain] [longname] [duties_owing] [children] [mobile] [address] [email] [membertype] [borid] [correct_link] [helmet_link] [link_tcs] [agree_link] [agree] [photos] [expired] [toylist] [rosterlist] [renewal_fee] [rosterpref] [missing] [ytd_count] [ytd_value]