====== Payments ====== ==== Settings ==== **automatic_debit_off = No** * Automatically adds a debit record when the blue "Renew" member is pressed. (updates membership expiry date) * Note: **debit_pay_now** needs to be set to No otherwise duplicate debits will be generated. **debit_pay_now** * will add a debit AND a credit, so the member $ balance remains zero * Note: **automatic_debit_off** needs to be set to Yes otherwise duplicate debits will be generated. ==== To add a payment in loans ==== Click on the green **Pay Now** button {{:payments:image_7.png?600|}} In this form select payment category, amount and how the member paid (cash, internet, eftpos) then press **Pay Now** {{:payments:image_4.png?400|}} To view payments, click on the blue **Payments List** button {{:payments:image_2.png?600|2}} To print a receipt for this payment, select the payment **check box** and click on the grey **Print Receipt** button {{:payments:image_3.png?600|}}