Square Payments

Enable Square in Settings

Go to Home - Settings

square_code = your link to the square payments page

square_payments = Yes

Square payments are linked to mibase by inserting the square links to member categories and/or Hire Toy details.

For example to add a square payment link to a Hire Toy

In Squareup

1. Login to Square up https://app.squareup.com/login?lang_code=en-au

2. Go to Home - Items Create a Category called Party Packs and add your Items (Hire Toys)

3. In the Item Library go to the Hire Toy you wish to link

4. Copy Link to clipboard


1. In Mibase Got to Admin Login - Toys - Toy Details - Edit Toy - Paste

2. Save Toy

In Squareup

1. Create a category called Memberships and add each Item (Member Types)

In Mibase

Go to Home - Select Boxes - Member categories - Edit - Payment Settings and add Square link.