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Click and Deliveries

Setup the Appointments

it is recommended that you setup 30 minute appointments, as it is difficult to estimate arrival time of deliveries.

For 3 deliveries per 30 minutes for a single driver (6 if using 2 delivery cars)

Members - select Boxes - Appointment Preferences - New

below is setup for a single driver with 3 deliveries for every 30 minutes from 9am to 1pm every Saturday. for a single Saturday this will generate 4 hrs x 2 x 3 = 24 deliveries

Generate Appointments

To prevent members from booking multiple generate the appointments 1-2 weeks at a time.

to generate go to Members - Appointments - Blue Generate Appointments button

for Appointments generated for one week (Friday - 24/4 to Friday 1/5) includes a single Saturday 24/4/2020. This will generate 24 appointments (if only Saturday has been setup). Don't forget to select a 30 appointment length.

Allocate Appointments

Go to New Loans - Members (new Members page)

select filter Members with holds

for each member with appointment = BOOK APPOINTMENT

click on the row, to show the member preview pane

click the green “select” button in the appointments block

click_deliveries.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/26 10:21 by mibase

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