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Creating a Duty Roster

The roster duty calendar needs to be generated at the beginning of each term.

To generate the roster “slots” for the weekly roster, you need to setup the Roster Preferences.

Once the roster is generated the roster should something like the example below, the top image is in Member login, bottom image is the admin login.

Generating the roster

When you have setup the roster preferences it is time to generate the roster.

Go to Members - Duty Roster - Generate

A popup form will be loaded, select start and end of term dates, and check the summary in the below form, the generation will create

  • 3 member duties and 1 coordinator every Saturday
  • 1 member duty and 1 coordinator duty every Tuesday.
  • Term start date is 13/9/2022 and end date 17/12/2022

Press the Generate button to confirm creating the Roster.

generating_roster.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/04 09:34 by mibase

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