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Member Status

The member status defines which list the member belongs to, and how the member interacts with the Library.

ACTIVE - Members are in the current members list and they can borrow/reserve/hold toys and can login into the member portal.

RESIGNED - Members have left the Library, with a possibility to return at a later date, this could be after the birth of another child. Their details remain on the database, but will only appear in the “resigned” members list. They do not appear in the select boxes for loans, rosters etc. They cannot login to the member portal.

LOCKED - A temporary lock, they may be going on holidays, or cannot loan until overdue toys are returned. Their details remain on the database, but will only appear in the “Locked” members list. They do not appear in the select boxes for loans, rosters etc. They cannot login to the member portal.

SUSPEND - not used much, was introduced early COVID, as we thought COVID was a temporary thing. It ended up confusing users, and it was easier to bulk extend expiry dates on current members. You can use this to keep a record of the date a member suspended their membership, to later change the expiry date when they returned.

member_status.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/20 12:08 by mibase

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