Table of Contents
COVID-19 Cheet Sheet
Closing the Toy Library and auto processes
If you decide to close the Toy Library, please allow mibase to go into sleep mode, so members do not receive automatic emails.
I think it is a good idea to close until you have the new way of operating sorted, there is no rush, I think this new situation will be around for a while, get it right and understand the process.
Overdue Toys Auto Emails
You can switch off all auto emails (sleep mode) Go to Home - Home (the first page you see when you login)
Membership Suspension
It is possible to extend membership periods by manually changing the expiry date, don't do this one at a time, email me and I will do a bulk update on all current members.
Alternatively, set membership status to SUSPEND (thanks Helen from NTL for this idea!)
Allow members to renew their toys online
There is a new setting that allows members to renew overdue toys
Settings - overdue_renew set to Yes.
Changing due dates of Toys currently on loan
To turn off just Overdues and Toys Due Emails, please email
Changing the Return Period
The simplest way to alter the due date before loaning is to change the loan period in settings. To do the go to Home - Settings - loanperiod
for example if you are to close for 6 weeks, the change the loan period from 14 to 42.
Online Booking of Toys (Click and Collect)
The hold system is already in place and is being used by a number of Libraries, this system will be expanded in the next week or so, to incorporate a simple 'Member Toy List to be collected“, and setting a Quarantine date for returned toys. Other updates will include a Hold and Quarantine status to be added to the location column.
I haven't finished writing the instructions below, I will complete in the next day or so
Toy Holds
To enable social distancing and the distribution of toy packs, please read below on how to setup an Appointment calendar.
Member Instructions
For detailed Member instructions on how to Hold Toys and Book an Appointment (click and Collect), click below instructions
Returning, Quarantining and Checking toys
Click below link for instructions