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List of User defined fields for Loan receipt (thermal Printer)

[toylist] - list of toys

[borid] - member number







[toylist_short] - list of toys short

[toylist_pieces] - list of toys with pieces

[longname] - members full name with second contact

[expired] - membership expiry date

[expired_receipt] - expired date for receipt

[now] - current date and time

[now_short] - just the current date

[duties] - duties to do

[roster] - roster duties

[next_duty] - date of next roster duty

[completed] - rosters completed

[balance] - payment balance $$

[payments] - list payments

[missing] - missing pieces

[member_alert] - member alert

[cost] - cost of toy (I think)

[toy_value] - total value of toys loaned

Chrome - if text is small and lots of white space, adjust the margins (in chrome).

to change the font size of the list of toys, go to Templates - Edit loan_receipt

Wrap the loan text in a div and change the font-size. e.g.

<div style=“font-size: 0.8rem;”>


<hr /> <p>[borid]:&nbsp;[longname]</p>

<hr />



loan_receipt.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/07 16:38 by mibase

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